Personal Narrative Voice

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Disecting Morality: Right or Wrong

In my eyes, to be moral means to have certain values or beliefs. Going with these it also involves following up on those beliefs and having them be something that you live by and always consider while making tough decisions. My book is called The Maze Runner and the main character is taken away to a strange land for no reason, but his morals tell him to rebel. It is a way of life and not a state of mind. You can always be moral and go off your path as long as it's for the right reasons. #pshscompass


  1. First off, love Maze Runner! I love the idea you bring up that you can be go off your path and still be moral. I think it speaks a lot to the idea of situational ethics. I'm assuming your answer would be no if I asked if you'd strangle a puppy. But, what if that puppy was biting an infant and there was no other way? (sorry to get so graphic, I don't even know where puppies and infants came from).

    My question is: How do we tell what the right reason is? Let's for a second reference the drone attacks on Al Queda leadership. How do you feel about taking the life of a terrorist if it means the possibility of saving American lives? But, at the same time, what if to get the terrorist we have to take out his family to do so? What were his children guilty of besides being born to the wrong family?

    What goes into determining the "right" reasons?

  2. "It is a way of life and not a state of mind" what a profound statement!

  3. Interesting post! Is there a danger that morals can be too self-centered? If you do something only for yourself (go off the path for the right reasons) are they YOUR right reasons or the right reasons of society? of others? what if the "reasons" conflict?... :)
